Friday, June 26, 2009

Money Money Money

I got a hair cut this week. The first one since around October or so. I am attempting to let my hairs grow out for as long as I can stand it!
I have been putting off blogging all week long because I haven't really felt inspired to write anything. I've been sitting at my desk for the past 2 hours thinking about what has been going on in my life that I can share with others to light a fire in their world. And then I remembered! I have experience and ABUNDANCE of wealth and joy this week. I have been living my life as if I already had it, I have been visualizing that it is in my life, NOW and then it showed up. Money pouring from the Heaven's rained down upon our household and I loved every minute of it. I know there is more to come and I am accepting it with arms wide open.
Here is a YouTube link to give you an idea of how to attract wealth and abundance into your life, believe me it works!

Best Wishes!

1 comment:

Kristen McGill said...

i love your hair and your cheeks are so profoundly beautiful megan