Thursday, April 16, 2009

In need of AMAZING tattooing?

Long Time, No Blog.

I've slipped a bit on my weight loss journey. Gained 2 lbs according to the doctor Tuesday. But which scale am I REALLY suppose to trust?! I'm going to ignore my weight gain and keep on truckin. I am re-inspired and ready to get this sexy show back on the road. My bathing suit is getting closer and closer to needing to be worn. And my body is in no shape for it at all. My goal weight is 150. Right now, according to the doctor I am at 174, sadly. BUT I am committed and I know that if I keep to my word, other opportunities will become present to me.

I am suppose to meet with the music man later next week to sing for him and try and get a band going. I am super nervous, but also super excited. I love to sing and over coming my fear of singing in front of people will be awesome. I just need to work on my timing and ignore my fear. Learning how to play guitar is still on my mind. I need someone to help teach me. My mom informed me the other day that she took lessons when she was younger and she wants to start playing again, so maybe that will turn into something. Who knows, Mama might be able to show me a thing or two?!

Please Don't Divorce Us.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.