Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Poem from a While Ago

The silence is too quiet,
but the noise is too loud,
be still my beating heart,
sometimes you're too proud.

I cannot hide my anger,
I can but shed my tears,
The only way you'll know,
Is if you ask me what I fear.

I don't cry in front of people,
I try not to at least,
You shouldn't tempt my anger,
Because inside there lives a beast.

You may never get a chance,
To know the real me,
Go on living your life to live,
Just be.

The silence is too quiet,
The noise is too loud,
Be still my beating heart,
Because sometimes you're too proud.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Early Bird to Catch the Worm

Early bird to catch some worms,
Roll over to my hubby.
Dressing for any kind of weather,
sleek, sophisticated, worker.
A million green beans on my plate,
I can squeeze in some fishin.
Going to a place that gets me excited,
Organized, clean, fun, happy and EFFICENT!
Catch up on guitar, friends and finances,
Customers, employees, me, ALL Pampered.
Home is where my heart is,
and food I love to eat.
Sit back, relax, enjoy,
while my hubby rubs my feet!
Money is never a concern,
seems there’s always plenty.
New drapes, couches, food, TV,
Id say we're fancy livin.
My life is but a fairy tale,
I could have never seen this coming.
And consider it is all because,
I gave the universe a little lovin!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In The Deep Dark Night

This is a poem I wrote when I was in 5th grade. I had it published in a book in 1998. I spent a lot of time being embarrassed of this poem, because I never felt it was good enough to be published. However, I realized that it has just been me standing in my own way all this time. I am embracing my talents, past and present. I wanted to share it with you all. Thanks!

In the deep dark night,
The stars shine bright,
The trees lean over,
In the deep dark night.

The grass shine bright,
The clouds in the night,
The three quarter moon,
In the deep dark night.

Nature is so beautiful,
Nature is a delight,
Nature is so wonderful,
In the deep dark night.

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Journey to Surrender

When I was a child I was not brought up in a church environment, (although my parents said they took me a couple times) I was not told worship any particular God and I most certainly was not brought up to believe that any particular religion was right or wrong. My parents simply didn’t address the issue.
Through out my teen years it was brought to my attention that my Father had longed searched for a God that suited him. He tried on every religion there was and never seemed to settle comfortably into one belief- this qued my curiosity as well. When I was about 14 I started going to church with friends, looking into Buddhism and developing my own ideas on what it meant to have ‘God’ in my life.
I soon settled on the thought that all religion originated from one place and it was interpreted differently throughout the entire world. I focused on many of the Buddhist principles that encouraged peace, love and generosity. Heck, I even got a tattoo of Buddha that symbolizes Peace & Enlightenment.
Some of us, perhaps most of us, were raised in a society where it was taught that God is there to watch over us, but should we step out of line his forgiveness is not easy to come by. From time to time, some of us might even be doomed to Hell for not following his word, for being Gay, for not going to church, or for not accepting him as our personal savior. I don’t know about you, but the concept of a God turning his back on me when I needed him most turned me off. It made me not want to know God at all.
I started calling my higher power The Universe. The term, ‘The Universe’ was freeing for me. It did not carry any negative connotation, there was no guilt, no shame, just enlightenment, peace and inspiration. Through Mike Dooley’s speaking, I learned that the power to alter my life and way of being was in my thoughts. I have practiced ‘Thoughts Become Things’ for 3 years now and have created a world that I never imagined existing.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, that my world started to shift far beyond what I deemed possible. My perception of God and all that he is was altered and my world opened up. I received a gift in the mail from my good friend, Leslee Horner- a book, entitled ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson. I doubt Leslee realized what a profound impact this gift would have on my life at the time she bought it for me. Every page I turned, every chapter I entered brought me to a new platform of my knowledge of God.
‘A Return to Love’ teaches that God is Love- nothing more, nothing less. God does not wish to punish us; he wants to heal us, to shift our perception of reality. Our soul purpose for existing is to be love.

Human relationships exist to produce love. When we pollute our relationships with unloving thoughts, or destroy or abort them with unloving attitudes, we are threatening our emotional survival.

In that moment it became clear to me. The solution to all my conflicts was love. Returning my thoughts to love at any moment of despair, anger, especially fear would be a miracle, a break through in how I have been living my life.
Perhaps the most important moment of realization was when I was on vacation this past week. I found myself standing in waves of the ocean on a dark beach with nothing but the stars above me. In that moment, I Surrendered. I Surrendered my life, my thoughts, my goals, my relationships, my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions, my future; I handed all over to God.

We are simply asked to shift focus and to take on a more gently perception. That’s all God needs. Just one sincere surrendered moment, when love matters more than anything, and we know that nothings else really matters at all. What He gives us in return for our openness to Him, is an outpouring of His power from deep within us. We are given His power to share with world, to heal wounds, to awaken hearts.

If my purpose here on earth is to be a vessel for God’s love- I’m down. Who needs some lovin’?!

What about you Pinkies, have you been hiding from the love of God, from the love of our Universe? I invite you to embrace your fears, hand them over to The Universe, open your heart to love and anything is truly possible.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pink Lovemuffin Extraordinaire

As you may know from some of my tweets a few weeks ago I received a book in the mail from @LesleeHorner, ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson. Before I even received it, not having any idea what it was about, I was thrilled! As I began to read the book I felt as if a series of events throughout my lifetime got this book in my hands. The topics that it touches and the opinion of Marianne’s writing validates so many things I have always believe about The Universe. And further- Marianne’s explanation of God and his love blew my mind! Most of us grow up believing that God is a higher power who we turn to when we are in distress, someone who will punish us when do wrong and a being that will turn his head when we are at the pearly gates if we took a wrong turn in life. Marianne explains that God is Love and we are God, simple as that.

‘There’s actually no place where God stops and you start,’ and no place where you stop and I start. Love is energy, an infinite continuum.’

When I started working with Owning Pink I was given the title ‘Pink Lovemuffin Extraordinaire.’ Though I was thrilled about my being crowned Pink Lovemuffin, I didn’t really get it- until yesterday. As we were driving to Port Aransas, Texas I was reading my book in the car. I came to the chapter entitled ‘Surrender’ as I kept reading, tears began to stream down my face.

‘He does this by showing us the possibility of a loving purpose in everything we think and do….He teaches us to see love as our only function. Everything we do in our loves will be used, or interpreted, by the ego or the Holy Spirit. The ego uses everything to lead further into anxiety. The Holy Spirit uses everything to lead us into inner peace.’

I cry when something is beautiful, when a person finds the courage to express themselves fully, when you make a connection with someone without trying, when miracles happen, when dreams come true, when understand is gathered, when enlightenment is achieved. I fill up with warm fuzziness, my stomach swarms with butterflies and my heart pounds. I finally saw what it is that you Pinkies had been seeing all along.
I really am your Pink Lovemuffin Extraordinaire. I OWN it. I seek love and passion in every situation. I am mushy and vulnerable, enthused and huggable. There is nothing that I more. I get it, I finally get it.

‘As surely as a lack of oxygen will kill us so will a lack of love.’

My New Pink Journal

I had to stop by Half Priced Books while we were driving around in Austin. HPB is one of my most favorite stores- filled with books, music and journals, OH MY! The thought that the books that exist within the walls of that building were passed down from one reader to another excites me. So many of them have notes written in the margins and they fall open when placed in your hand. It is as if the books tell another story than what lies printed on the pages. The smell of a good books store soothes me to my bones.

Journal shopping is something that is not a 'one stop shop' for me. It takes me up to an hour or so to find the perfect journal. I usually end up picking out one or two and having to flip through pages and get a real feel for what the paper is saying to me. I have always had journals, I always juggle between them depending on what mood I am in. But today was different for me.

The two journals I stumbled upon were leather. When opened, the right side of the pages were lined and the left side blank- perfect. This way I could print out pictures of the occasion and place them on the blank side. I thought this would be an easy choice. Just as I was settling into the comfort of my new brown, leather worn in journal, I glanced up at the top shelf. There lied an identical journal with the exception that the color was PINK.

I stood in the isle of Half Priced Books staring at the two journals, running the pages through my fingers, flipping from cover to cover, hoping that something in one of these almost identical journals would speak to me. The longer I looked, the more indecisive I became.

The feeling I got when I held the brown leather journal was that of comfort and security. When I looked at it, I felt as if I could relate to the light brown color and truly fill the pages with thought provoking, honest emotions. When I held the pink journal and pondered through the blank pages I found that the color and pages so closely displayed how my life has been for the last couple of months. Not only am I working for Owning Pink, but the brightly colored eccentric journal screamed 'flava' and originality.

Then my inner Pink Goddess screamed at me from with in- 'BUY THE PINK ONE! YOU NEED THE PINK ONE! IT WAS PUT HERE FOR YOU! The Pink Journal represented everything I have ever wanted but was too afraid to jump for. My current life is something I have never dreamed of and though my financial situation isn't ideal, I am constantly surrounded by and meeting new beautiful people, going wonderful places and stumbling upon new self discoveries. Not to mention having the job of my dreams, a boyfriend to die for and an apartment I love.

Needless to say, I bought the Pink Journal. Though it frightened me to take it to the counter, with my knees trembling and palms sweating I took a PLEAP (Pink Leap of Faith) and took a stand for the life I want. Buying this journal is me officially surrendering, it is my profoundly going where I have never dared to go before and taking on my life full throttle.

Without having met Lissa and all of the wonderful Pinkies, I would have not found my calling so soon, nor would I have been so inspired to truly live a life without fear (still working on this one!) A big Thank you to all of you lovely ladies!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Austin, Texas

It was as if The Universe had opened up and shined down upon me, telling me my world was going to be just fine. Everything was exactly how it should be and to surrender my fear.
Our vacation began in Austin, we decided to come here for a couple days to break up the drive. I was also slightly eager to get out of Ennis. I love where I live, but every now and then we just need an escape. Our first visit was to Mount Bonnell, one of my favorite look outs in Austin.
Our adventures just started and I am anxious to see what is coming my way. I feel that this journey is going to be a significant one.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Surrendering to the Universe, to Love and the Ocean.

I have reached a position in my life where I am slightly uncomfortable with myself. It is as if I can completely visualize the person in which I want to be, but I all but too often allow my vision to be clouded by the activities that surround me on a weekly basis. Mostly what I am referring to is alcohol. Having half priced booze, a bar filled with friends and good Texas country right down the road from my house is something I often take advantage of.

There was a time when I would have not seen this as a problem. In fact, there really is nothing 'wrong' with the situation with the exception that it is not what I want for myself and my life.

I envision days and nights of clarity, thought provoking conversation, truly feelingmy inner Goddess coming alive through meditation, reading and learning. I have a desire to create success, far beyond what I have grown to know. I feel as if the partying is clouding my journey and creating what I wish know as a reality far, far from my reach. Not to mention the toll it is taking on my health.

As I journey to the ocean tomorrow. I wish not for a booze & reefer filled week. But rather a mediating & epiphany filled week. My goal is to open my heart 100%. To completely surrender to the Universe and be one with the earth. I can feel it in my heart, I want it to be apparent on my face, in my skin and displayed on my body- let health radiate through my shape and pores.

I know to some of you, it might seem like an easy task, to not drink. It is as if I formed a pattern, a habit and it won't be easy for me to break. Now that my heart is in the right place, it will be easier to get my head there. No one can turn things around except me!

Monday, September 07, 2009

My Obituary

Today's post on Owning Pink was a tremendous one. The exercise was encouraging you to write your obituary now as if you died today and then to write another as if you died at whatever age you wanted to and accomplished all the things you wished.
Really makes you think about how your life is going, what we value and what we take for granted. Here is my Obituary:

If I died today:
Megan Monique Harner, 22, passed away this Monday evening. She is survived by her parents Donald and Margie Harner, sister Sara and boyfriend, Brian Lewis. Megan was a loving daughter and sister.

If I had it my way:

Megan Monique Harner, age 103, passed away from natural causes on September 7, 2090. Survived by her daughter, Fiona age 65. Megan was an accomplished writer, musician, speaker and mother. Through her passion for people and travel she transformed the lives of many. Megan was a unique and joyous spirit. The world is a better place because she existed.

I will be keeping this in mind. I could very well pass away today, tomorrow or a year from now. From this point forward I am dedicating my life to my dreams and following through with my many ambitions. Boys and Girls, hold on to your seats, this lady and FLYIN HIGH!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Silence and Meditation

Today post on Owning Pink was about silence and meditation. I read the post earlier today around 1 o'clock p.m. and it wasn't until around 8 o'clock p.m. that the concept of silence and just 'being' actually sank in.

I can't really think of a definite moment in each day where I am just sitting in silence, not thinking about something or for that matter simply just 'being' with my thoughts. I am always doing, writing, reading, art-ing, etc.

I decided to take a bath tonight and just be with my thoughts, relax and truly focus on 'being.' I'll let you know where that takes me.

Do you take the time to just 'be' with yourself? To let your thoughts flow in and out of your mind, acknowledging that they are there and releasing them to the Universe?

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Here is my Note from The Universe that I received this morning. I found it particularly wonderful.

"Megan, do you know why dogs are so quick to wag their tails and cats are so quick to purr? Even the ones that have been lonely, abused, and betrayed?

Because, as is true of all animals, they were instilled with the distant awareness that no matter what the world shows them, they're still deeply loved and needed, that their presence alone has made a difference, and that in just the shake of a leg, seemingly without reason or rhyme, everything can FANTASTICALLY change for the better.

As is true of all people, except sometimes they tend to forget.

The Universe"

Please leave having read this and having got something profound out of his words.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


This is what Brawn does for a living (Carpentry)

Monday Nights at home :)

My Bad Ass Lamp