Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back in Business!

I got the internet back on at my house, I got new rechargeable batteries for my camera and I just finished writing my guest blog for @lissarankin's website, . Stay tuned for when that is posted, I'm super excited that I was even considered to write for her!

I've had a lot of things on my plate lately, who I am kidding, it's not just lately, it's all the time! I manage to find my joy in all of it. Today I was going over some bills and how much debt I am in, which isn't really that much considering the rest of America! But still, it is weight on my shoulders that I don't really care to have. I signed up with one of those financial companies a few months ago that help settle your debt, so that is under way. Not to mention my student loans and regular monthly bills. In January, Brawn and I were planning on buying a house from one of our friends. But the more I thought about it while going through the bills the more of a bad idea it seemed to be. Maybe not so much a bad idea, but a smarter idea to stay where we are.

Ever since I moved out of my parents house in 2006, I have been bouncing all over the place. In fact, I have never stayed in place for more than 11 months. The thought of staying in our apartment, made me more excited than the thought of moving into the house. I think that might be a sign. Now I just need to talk it over with Brawn Brawn. He is usually okay with whatever I think is best. But when he doesn't, he speaks up. I love him :) .

I really just want to do what is best for our future and right now we are comfortable. I think I should take advantage of our abundance and use to to get rid of our debt, and then we can work on saving for a house.

What do you think?