Monday, August 31, 2009

Sundays are often my favorite day of the week. Typically good weather, sunshine, friends, bar BQ and pups!

Just Another Friday Night

Friday night at The Red Moon Cafe. The Show: No Justice and Cody Jinks (I prefer Cody Jinks)

Kisses from Brawn

Jessica Vasquez (She Rocks)

The Lovely, Kristen

We Like to Party

Just another Friday Night.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Renewing Rain

Toward the middle of yesterday I received a few statements in the mail that brought my financial state of mind to a screaming halt. I knew that I was behind on some things, but I was unaware of the severity of it all. I also worked at the bar last night. For the last few weeks I have been making really great money. Last night I suppose I went in to work with the mentality that I was financially stuck and made crap. I had kind of expected that to happen considering my state of mind.

A storm rolled in last night along with a cold front. The lightening was a spectacular show. The thunder rolled all night long. It was beautiful. I laid in bed listening to the sheets of rain hit the window as the wind blew across our building.

When I awoke this morning, I felt anew. It were as if the rain had washed away my fears, my hesitations- anything that was standing in my way previously. It was in fact a renewing rain.

Today was the last day of work at the plumbing company. Oddly enough, it was blessing in disguise. I am keeping my heart open for any opportunities coming my way that I can't pass up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

......A Bridge was Built

Just last week I started working for Owning Pink. A couple days after I first started I created that I wanted to participate full time.

Yesterday my boss told me that Friday would be my last day at the plumbing company. A few days ago Lissa got her book deal. Coincidence? I think not.

Thanks Universe for moving things around so quickly!



Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A New Plateau

Hello There All! So glad you could join the conversation!

As of Monday, I am officially a member of the Owning Pink Staff. This opportunity is has been more than a blessing to me. I want to take this opportunity, now that I have your attention, to tell you why this occasion is beyond both unbelievable and phenomenal.

1. Ever since the first time I tweeted (sounds so dirty!) @lissarankin I loved her. The message that she brings to everyone she comes into contact with is what so many of us have been searching for our whole lives. Most of were probably thinking along the lines of the same things. However, Lissa had the "balls" to through her message out there, shouting it from the roof tops! For that I will always adore her.

2. The community that is created through Owning Pink is not only a strong, triumphant group of people (mostly women), but also a vulnerable one at that. Owning Pink is place where everyone can take their shoes off, lean back and make themselves at home. The people that crowd the pages of The Owning Pink Forums are so boldly creating there lives as they have always dreamed. They are doing it all and sharing every moment of it with YOU. (Lucky Us!)

3. I have longed- LONGED- to be a writer for as long as I can remember. I published a poem in the 5th grade. In high school, I was editor of the newspaper and yearbook advertising. I wrote for the newspaper and also designed some of the pages, as well as a Magazine cover. I still have it packed away in my craft closet for future applause. Being able to write for Owning Pink is step onto a giant platform that IS my future. Since that moment, all of my dreams and ambitions suddenly became real and so much bigger than I anticipated.

4. A glimpse at the mere thought that Lissa and Joy classify me with themis breath taking. More than that- it's unreal.

All of these things gave me a new appreciation for the world I have created and the dreams that soon to come. Now, I can see the light and nothing- NOTHING, is standing in my way!

World, here I come!


Friday, August 07, 2009

I Love YOU.

One of my most favorite things about this life is that you never know what is around the corner. I am flourishing right now with love. Brawn and I recently celebrated our one year anniversary. For those of you who have known me for most of life this was a huge milestone for me. Not only have we been together a year, but it has been the best year of my entire life. I love a thousand times more now that I did when I met him, if that is even possible.

On top of my phenomenal relationship, I have developed a close connection with the women (and men) of the Pink Posse. These women have open up a whole new sense of what unconditional love and support really is. I can't wait to see what else comes from knowing these women. They have already made such a HUGE impact on my life! Thank you Lissa Rankin, Leslee Horner and Joy Mazzola, you are more than a dream come true.

It is just recently that I have truly gotten in touch with who I am. Over the last few years it has been a journey of discovery and I have no doubt in my mind that my discoveries will continue to unfold for the rest of my life. But for now I am rolling in the comfort of being secure and happy in my own skin.

Where the world will take me, I can't wait to find out. But I have chosen to surrender my heart and soul to the Universe with Love, Joy and Peace in my heart. I know I will end up where I am suppose to be.

Anxiously awaiting my call with Joy,

PS. Don't forget to check out the new stuff at THBB!