Monday, June 01, 2009

A Tribute

I go through waves of inspiration and every time I'm not inspired, without realizing it, I stumble upon something that slaps me in the face a screams, "LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON!"

I do in fact, LOVE my life. However there are parts of it that are undeveloped, stale and practically waiting for the right moment to explode into something beautiful and unrecognizable.

On twitter, I follow @lissarankin. I highly recommend you do to. Not only is she a fabulous inspiration to all women every where but she is motivated, loved, loving and adorable :). You can see all of this just by taking a gander at her blog: .

Through said inspiration I am making a commitment to enlighten my life and those in it to push themselves to be who they really want to be. To see that whatever you want is completely possible. Who knows where this journey will take you, or me for that matter.

Follow me and my adventures, who knows where life will take us!

BIG THANKS to @lissarankin. Thank you for being who you are. <3

"I Love My Life"

It's true. I totally, completely, without a doubt, LOVE my life. & My Brawn <3